Our Three Core Principles

When assisting clients, we focus on three core principles: Safety, reasonable rates of return, and simplicity. Contact us, we can help you achieve these goals and more.

Three Core Principles For Retirement


Your retirement portfolio may rely heavily on stock market investments. However, market investments come with inherent risk. Your savings may increase during a market upturn. However, if the market drops, then you could suffer a significant loss. Will you be able to recover from this during retirement?

Keep in mind, the older you get, the less time you have to recover. Also, you aren’t generating income via working once you retire.

If you’re concerned about the amount of risk that your current strategy entails, reach out to us. We may be able to present you with options for more safety.

senior mother hiking with her daughter three core principles

Reasonable Rate of Return**

Our firm helps guide clients to expect reasonable rates of return** in retirement. Often, rates of return offered by more conservative financial options are disappointing. However, rest assured, safety and a reasonable rate of return** aren’t mutually exclusive.

Some of the options we provide may generate a reasonable rate of return,** without risking your principal. Fixed indexed annuities, or FIAs, for example, do not invest your money directly into the stock market. Instead, they link to an external index. When the index is up, you may see reasonable rates of return,** but when it’s down, your principal does not decrease. Therefore, you are able to achieve some potential indexed interest, without risking your money in the market.

Keep It Simple

The last of our three core principles is simplicity. Yes, retirement can be made simple. If you ask us, some of the best long-term retirement strategies are those that are straightforward and easy to understand. Do you know exactly how your current accounts work? What fees are you being charged? We can help you answer these questions. No one should have to waste time worrying about their money during retirement. You should be able to retire with confidence.

senior friends drinking wine and having dinner on outdoor porch three core principles

Reach Out

Call us, to schedule a one-on-one meeting, or attend one of the educational events we host. The events are no-cost, no-obligation, and come with a gourmet meal.

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